Monday, November 2, 2009


First of all i want to mention that i went back to the cash tables last night and got coolered out of a stack. bye bye 2/3 of my profit from Saturday. I dont want to dwell on that though.

I havent really been playing a terribly amount of online poker recently and when i have been playing i have not been seeing very good results. Overall it is safe to say that my confidence in my game is not very high at the moment. Due to this i decided to try a little experiment today. I dropped back down to 10nl and tried to focus on a couple things.
1. I want to work on multitabling. I ran 6 tables today for 700 hands. I want to get extremely comfortable running 6 tables, which is the max on my laptop screen and eventually work that up to 8 perhaps.
2. I want to open up my game and play more aggressive. 3bet more, open more pots, generally play a more fast paced and pressure packed gamelan
3. I want to work on quickly analyzing my opponents lines and also working to make my lines as effective as possible. I think that working on my game from the ground up will yield very goof results in a number of areas.

After playing for about an hour I was up a solid 2 buy ins and called it a night. I made a couple glaring errors which i need to make sure wont happen again and of course some coolers and suckouts happened on both sides of the felt.

This little session gave me the idea for an interesting little propbet that i am about to undertake with my friend tootsy. This dude just experienced an unreal downswing + tiltness and is back to basically square one. He needs to grind a roll back up to where it was a couple weeks ago (50nl-100nl) from the start (10nl). Unfortunately the immediate downturn has left him with no motivation to play for stacks worth 10bbs at his old stakes. This propbet aims to give him motivation to grind and build his role while helping me put hours in to focus and get better and crush 10nl.

The bet is simply this:
We each have until Dec 19 to play 7k hands of 10nl. Whoever wins the most money at the end of the hands gets a free dinner.

Frankly, i think toots has an edge in this bet. I have never crushed a game like he has. I dont want to count myself out though. I think i have a shot, Its definitely going to be a fun bet to partake in. If nothing else itl give me an excuse to post more.

1 comment:

  1. Having grinded out $10NL recently (within the past 6 months), I can only offer this advice: there will be wild variance swings. When you have the nuts, you will get paid off almost every time. However, expect almost every player to be polarized: they're either a nit or they're playing 80% of the hands. I found that there is very little in-between. Moreover, those 80%'ers play almost any two cards, so be careful stacking with AK on a K or A high board because they'll show up with a rivered two pair. I *HATED* $10NL!
