Wednesday, September 2, 2009



For the last couple weeks life has kinda sucked. My mom got really sick as a few of my readers know and taking care of her pretty much dominated my life. Stupidly, i decided to play poker while caring for her because there were times where i would get bored and have few other options. Obviously playing under those conditions was stupid and each time i would quickly lose money and get pissed off. I am not one to believe that feeling bad and having negative vibes will make you a magnet for bad luck but sometimes its hard to argue with that feeling.

I played a couple times after my mom recovered and still just didnt see positive results. Obviously downswings are natural and somewhat common, they just tend to hit me pretty hard. The worst part is, id love to grind through a downswing and try to just put in a ton of volume to wait out the variance and earn sick rakeback but it becomes a pain to play when im downswinging so i put in less volume. I have no earge to play when every time i log on i lose money.

How bad was this downswing? I went from a high of 640 to a low of 500. Luckily some friends owe me some money online which should total 100 bucks so most of my losses are negated.

On to this coming semester:

As of now I am in Paris France. Im chillen here with my parents until saturday when I will travel to London and begin my semester abroad from Clark. I will be taking three classes at FIE and interning at Parliament under Jenny Willott. I honestly have no idea how much of a role poker will play in my life this semester. I am happy about the timing of my downswing if nothing else. I have no urge to play full tilt right now. I am not craving the action. this is good because with a intense work/school schedule I am unsure how much time i will be able to devote to poker. Ill find out the answer to this in a couple weeks im sure.

Ive noticed that a large number of people in my program have started blogs to document their travels. I think i may just use this blog to talk about my goings on. If you dont mind reading about my european adventures, then this is still the place for you. If you only want to read about me failing at poker then...sorry :(

Good luck and Bon voyage!


  1. I wish you all the best in London!

  2. Thanks BWoP!
    Hope the golf games goin well. More importantly hope the poker game is goin great :)
